Staff Appreciation Event set for March 11

Staff members are invited to join Staff Senate in a celebration of Augsburg College staff. We will honor those who celebrated their 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, and 30th anniversaries in 2013 as well as the Outstanding Staff Award winners.

Tuesday, March 11
2:30-4 p.m.
Hoversten Chapel, Foss Center    (Note change in venue from last year)

This year we would request staff bring a donation of nonperishable food or a toiletry item for the Augsburg College food shelf, Campus Cupboard (see a list of needed items at

In order to honor the work of all staff nominated for the Outstanding Staff Award, below are this year’s nominees. There are six award recipients chosen from this list. They will be announced at the celebration event.

List of nominees for Outstanding Staff Award

Tina Brauer — Administrative Assistant, Music Department
Amanda Burgess — Assistant Director, Student Financial Services
Jodi Collen — Director, Event and Conference Planning
Crystal Comer — Registrar, Registrar’s Office
Amy Hanson —  Administrative Assistant, Campus Ministry
Scott Krajewski — Director, Information Technology
Ann Lutterman-Aguilar — Mexico Site Director, Center for Global Education
Regina McGoff — Director, Center for Global Education
Elizabeth Peszynski — Administrative Assistant, Physician Assistant Program
Mulugeta Sedoro — Custodian, Custodial Services
Nancy Shaeffer — Assistant Director, Graduate Admissions
James Shropshire — Assistant Director of Operation and Investigation, Public Safety
Eric Strom — Academic Liaison For Computing, Information Technology
Martha Truax — Director of Annual Giving, Development
Abennet Tulu — Custodian, Custodial Services
Steff Weiss — Director, News and Media Services